Comparative studies on genetic diversities between in - situ and ex - situ conserved germplasm of oryza rufipogon 异位保存普通野生稻种质资源的遗传多样性比较研究
Studies on evaluation of the genetic diversity of core collection of common wild rice oryza rufipogon griff . and asian cultivated rice oryza sativa l 普通野生稻和亚洲栽培稻核心种质遗传多样性的检测研究
The experiment was conducted in a 2 . 4 ha isolated field mimic rice production practice with pollen competition . a japonica gm rice l201 containing bar gene with herbicide basta resistance was used as a pollen donor and six indica hybrid rice varieties and its male sterile ( ms ) lines and two common wild rice ( oryza rufipogon and o . nivara ) that share same aa genome with cultivated rice were used as recipients 本试验选择广州作为华南水稻生态区的代表,以含bar基因(抗除草剂basta )的转基因粳稻l201为花粉供体,模拟大田生产实际,对转基因向籼型两系及三系杂交稻不育系、杂交稻品种及含aa基因组的普通野生稻的基因漂流及其影响因素进行了研究。
Oryza rufipogon, known as brownbeard rice and red rice is a member of the genus Oryza. It has a close evolutionary relation to Oryza sativa, the rice grown as a major food crop throughout the world.